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Founding meeting minutes


by Calvin Daniels





Brief overview of existing, in progress, under development and under discussion courses by Calvin Daniels.



a.  Discussion in regard to group name.

Motion by Chris Istace that the group be named Parkland Association of Disc Golf.

Seconded by Scott Beehler


b.  Course members. Any course established in the zone (125 km radius of Yorkton) automatically comes under the PADG umbrella.  A course outside the established boundary can be admitted by a simple majority of the Board of Directors.


c.  Mission Statement. The agreed upon mission statement for PADG is

            To promote the sport and recreational benefits of disc golf across the

            Parkland Region


d.  Board of Directors.

            Motion by Chris Istace that President, Vice President and 4 members at

            large be elected at the Annual General Meeting. 

            President 2 year term with a maximum of 2 years.

            Seconded by Irene Cymbalisty



Directors.  One member to be appointed by each course group within the association area.  Director had only one vote.


e.  Interim Board. 

            Chris Istace nominated Calvin Daniels as interim chair, accepted

            Chris Istace nominated Scott Beehler as interim vice chair, accepted

Interim Course Directors

            Yorkton, Doug Kerr

            Benito, Scott Beehler

            Rocanville, Chris Istace     

            Sandy Beach, Kelly Butz

            Stockholm, Rep from Town Council TBA

            Springside, Rep from Town Council/Elmer Tetz

            Birtle, Brenda McKay


            Interim Treasurer (suggested by Chris Istace)

            Doug Kerr.  Bank preferences discussed.  Credit Union? Doug to

            set up account.  Two signatures signing authority.


First AGM discussed. 

            November 2016

            Board of interim Directors in March 2016 to discuss location of AGM


f.  Membership fees

            Consensus that membership fees be applied to PADG, not to course(s)

            Motion by Scott Fulton that membership fees be set at $20 for adults and

Youth (under 16) $10

Second by Chris Istace



A fee (surcharge) of $10 will apply to any tournament participant who is not a member

Family/lifetime memberships to be discussed further.


            Information on membership form.

            Name, address, email age, home course, and also PDGA membership #


g.  Banking

            As discussed earlier.  Signature of Chair and Treasurer required.


h.  Association Role

Discussion in regard to not actively pursuing new courses. 



i. Committees

            Media Coverage - Calvin sending press release to area newspapers

Pamphlets - Calvin, Sandy, Doug designing.  A pdf will be sent to directors.  Doug will print, charging only for the cost of paper.

Logo Design – Brenda

Founding members discs – Trevor and Scott Beehler looking into costs involved


Sponsorships – Scott Beehler.  Format needed.  Ideas for March meeting.


Agreed Facebook sufficient for the time being.


j.          Other Goals for Association



Scott Beehler suggested tournament committee to discuss dates, format, and structure of tournaments.

Tournament Committee:  Chris Istace, Scott Beehler and Trevor Lyons



Directors meeting Saturday, March 12 at 1 p.m.  Location to be announced.



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