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Joe Beeverz added as prize sponsor in Yorkton

The ‘Patrick Park Sub-Committee’ of the PADG is pleased to announced Joe Beeverz Bar and Grill in Yorkton has come on-board as a prize sponsor for the Second Annual Trilogy Challenge to be held at Patrick Park Disc Golf Course Aug. 28.

"We are thrilled to have Joe Beeverz involved with our tournament. It's a natural team-up, a great place to eat and a great disc golf event."

Entries for the Trilogy Challenge are now open, and disc golfers are encouraged to sign up.

"The Trilogy Challenge is such a fun event," said PADG Tournament Chair Trevor Lyons. "With the entry golfers receive three unreleased discs, so they get a sneak peek before they are generally release, so that is always exciting.

"And, there are some great prizes that are part of the Challenge, and now with Joe Beeverz adding to the prize pool it just means golfers will have more reason to enter and enjoy the event."

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