Art and sport coming together
A new partnership will help promote by facets of culture in the parkland; art and sport.
In the summer on 2019 pARTners Art Gallery in the Yorkton Public Library will be home to a multi-artist, multi-media show.

And that show will have a sport-theme thanks to a partnership with the Parkland Association of Disc Golf, (PADG).
“I was talking to a local artist about doing a piece with a disc golf theme, and at the same time the PADG was going through the licensing process to sell tickets on a disc golf-themed quilt, and the idea of a show just sort of clicked in my head,” said PADG president Calvin Daniels.
Never a particularly shy guy, Daniels threw the idea at Tonia Vermette with the Yorkton Arts Council who book the pARTners Gallery.
“I thought it was a fun idea. Our pARTners Gallery is a great place for some pretty unique shows, and this should be one of those,” she said.
So now it’s up to artists throughout the parkland region to take up the challenge.s
“This will be a multi-media show, so it’s open to paintings, photography, fibre art (quilts etc), even small sculptures,” said Vermette. “The more diversity in work, the better the show in my mind.” Daniels said he can envision some pretty cool and unique options.
“As this idea rolled around in my head for a while I was thinking how interesting art dome right on a golf disc might be, or photography from a drone, and personally I’d love to see some cartoon style art, I think those world be awesome,” he said.
“The great thing about this is that artists have all summer to get out to the courses in the area to find inspiration,” added Vermette.
Deadline for entry would be June 27, 2019 with artwork being dropped of the Community pARTners Gallery, located in the Yorkton Public Library from June 27 - 29. Entry forms will be available from the Yorkton Arts Council office, the Yorkton Public Library and online at and PDGA.
The show will be in pARTners through July and August 2019, and their will be a reception to highlight the event at that time.
Anyone seeking information on the PADG can find them on Facebook, or email at